Election Notice:  Early voting for the May 28, 2024 Primary Runoff Election runs from Monday, May 20, 2024 – Friday, May 24, 2024  |  Last day to apply for ballot by mail (received, not postmarked) is Friday, May 17, 2024  |  ID requirements for voting in person  |  ID requirements for voting by mail  |  Election Night Returns  |  Visit VoteTexas.gov for more election information

Presidential Election Results

Lewis Cass Dem 10,668
Zachary Taylor Whig 4,509
Franklin Pierce Dem 13,552
Winfield Scott Whig 4,995
James Buchanan Dem 31,169
Millard Fillmore Whig 15,639
John Breckinridge Dem 47,548
John Bell Con'l Union 15,438
1861 - Texas secedes from Union and joins the Confederate States of America. 1861-1865 - Texas in the Civil War. 1867-1870 - Congressional (or Military) Reconstruction. 1870 - Texas readmitted to Union.
Horace Greeley Dem 66,546
Ulysses Grant Rep 47,468
Charles O'Conor S-O Dem 2,580
Samuel Tilden Dem 104,755
Rutherford Hayes Rep 44,800
Winfield Hancock Dem 156,428
James Garfield Rep 57,893
James Weaver Greenback L 27,405
Grover Cleveland Dem 225,309
James Blaine Rep 93,141
Benjamin Butler Greenback 3,321
John St. John Prohi 3,534
Grover Cleveland Dem 234,883
Benjamin Harrison Rep 88,422
Alson Streeter Union Labor 29,459
Clinton Fisk Prohi 4,749
Grover Cleveland Dem 239,148
Benjaman Harrison Rep 81,144
James Weaver People's 99,688
John Bidwell Prohi 2,165
William Bryan Dem 370,434
William McKinley Rep 167,520
John McA. Palmer Nat Dem 5,046
Joshua Levering Prohi 1,786
William Bryan Dem 267,432
William McKinley Rep 130,641
John Wooley Prohi 2,644
Eugene Debs Social-Democratic 1,846
Wharton Barker People's 20,981
Joseph Malloney Soc. Labor 162
Alton Parker Dem 167,200
Theodore Roosevelt Rep 51,242
Eugene Debs Soc 2,791
Silas Swallow Prohi 4,292
Thomas Watson Pop 8,062
Charles Corregan Soc. Labor 421
William Bryan Dem 217,302
William Taft Rep 65,666
Eugene Debs Soc 7,870
Eugene Chafin Prohi 1,634
Thomas Hisgen Indep 115
Thomas Watson People's 994
August Gillhaus Soc. Labor 176
Woodrow Wilson Dem 221,589
William Taft Rep 26,755
Theodore Roosevelt Prog 28,853
Eugene Debs Soc 25,743
Eugene Chafin Prohi 1,738
Arthur Reimer Soc. Labor 442
Woodrow Wilson Dem 286,514
Charles Hughes Rep 64,999
Allan Benson Soc 18,969
J. Frank Hanly Prohi 1,985
James Cox Dem 288,767
Warren Harding Rep 114,538
  B & T Rep 27,247
Eugene Debs Soc 8,121
James Ferguson American 47,968
John Davis Dem 484,605
Calvin Coolidge Rep 130,023
Robert La Follette Prog 42,881
Alfred Smith Dem 341,032
Herbert Hoover Rep 367,036
Norman Thomas Soc 722
William Foster Com 209
Franklin Roosevelt Dem 760,348
Herbert Hoover Rep 97,959
William Foster Com 207
  Jacksonian 104
W. H. Harvey Liberty 324
Norman Thomas Soc 4,450
Franklin Roosevelt Dem 734,485
Alfred Landon Rep 103,874
Norman Thomas Soc 1,075
Earl Browder Com 253
D. Leigh Colvin Prohi 514
William Lemke Union 3,281
Franklin Roosevelt Dem 840,151
Wendell Willkie Rep 199,152
Norman Thomas Soc 728
Roger Babson Prohi 925
Earl Browder Com 212
Franklin Roosevelt Dem 821,605
Thomas Dewey Rep 191,425
Norman Thomas Soc 594
Claude Watson Prohi 1,017
Gerald L. K. Smith Am. 1st 251
  Texas Regulars 135,439
Harry Truman Dem 750,700
Thomas Dewey Rep 282,240
J. Strom Thurmond States' Rights Democratic 106,909
Henry Wallace Prog 3,764
Norman Thomas Soc 874
Claude Watson Prohi 2,758
Adlai Stevenson Dem 969,228
Dwight Eisenhower Rep 1,102,878
Vincent Hallinan Prog 294
Stuart Hamblen Prohi 1,983
Douglas MacArthur Constitution Party 1,563
Adlai Stevenson Dem 859,958
Dwight Eisenhower Rep 1,080,619
T. Coleman Andrews Con 14,591
John Kennedy Dem 1,167,932
Richard Nixon Rep 1,121,699
Charles Sullivan Con 18,169
Rutherford Decker Prohi 3,870
Lyndon Johnson Dem 1,663,185
Barry Goldwater Rep 958,566
Joseph Lightburn Con 5,060
Hubert Humphrey Dem 1,266,804
Richard Nixon Rep 1,227,844
George Wallace Am. Ind. 584,269
George McGovern Dem 1,154,289
Richard Nixon Rep 2,298,896
Linda Jenness Soc. Labor 8,664
John Schmitz American Independent 6,039
Jimmy Carter Dem 2,082,319
Gerald Ford Rep 1,953,300
Thomas Anderson American Party 11,442
Peter Camejo Soc Work 1,723
Eugene McCarthy Ind 20,118
Write-In Votes 2,982
Ronald Reagan Rep 2,510,705
Jimmy Carter Dem 1,881,147
Ed Clark Lib 37,643
John Anderson NUC 111,613
Other Candidates 529
Walter Mondale Dem 1,949,276
Ronald Reagan Rep 3,433,428
Lyndon LaRouche Ind 14,613
Gus Hall W-I 126
Sonia Johnson W-I 87
Dennis Serrette W-I 41
George Bush Rep 3,036,829
Michael Dukakis Dem 2,352,748
Ron Paul Lib 30,355
Lenora Fulani New All 7,208
Bobby Locke W-I 98
Willa Kenoyer W-I 62
James Warren W-I 110
Bill Clinton Dem 2,281,815
George Bush Rep 2,496,071
Andre Marrou Lib 19,699
Ross Perot Ind 1,354,781
Howard Phillips W-I 359
Quinn Brisben W-I 78
James "Bo" Gritz W-I 505
Lyndon LaRouche W-I 169
James Wellington Wright W-I 23
Lenora Fulani W-I 301
John Hagelin W-I 217
Bob Dole Rep 2,736,167
Bill Clinton Dem 2,459,683
Harry Browne Lib 20,256
John Hagelin NLP 4,422
Howard Phillips Tax 7,472
Ross Perot Ind 378,537
Ralph Nader W-I 4,810
Mary Cal Hollis W-I 297
George W. Bush Rep 3,799,639
Al Gore Dem 2,433,746
Harry Browne Lib 23,160
Ralph Nader Grn 137,394
Pat Buchanan Ind 12,394
Howard Phillips W-I 567
James "Jim" Wright W-I 74
David McReynolds W-I 63
George W. Bush Rep 4,526,917
John F. Kerry Dem 2,832,704
Michael Badnarik Lib 38,787
Michael Anthony Peroutka W-I 1,636
John Joseph Kennedy W-I 126
Deborah Elaine Allen W-I 92
Andrew J. Falk W-I 219
Walt Brown W-I 111
David Keith Cobb W-I 1,014
Ralph Nader W-I 9,159
John McCain Rep 4,479,328
Barack Obama Dem 3,528,633
Bob Barr Lib 56,116
Chuck Baldwin W-I 5,052
Thaddaus Hill W-I 876
Jonathan Allen W-I 100
Alan Keyes W-I 895
Ralph Nadar W-I 5,214
Cynthia McKinney W-I 671
Brian Moore W-I 910
Mitt Romney Rep 4,569,843
Barack Obama Dem 3,308,124
Gary Johnson Lib 88,580
Jill Stein Grn 24,657
Avery Ayers W-I 209
Stewart Alexander W-I 162
Thaddaus Hill W-I 102
Virgil Goode W-I 1,287
Tom Hoefling W-I 374
Andre N. Barrett W-I 87
Rocky Anderson W-I 426
Donald J. Trump Rep 4,685,047
Hillary Clinton Dem 3,877,868
Gary Johnson Lib 283,492
Jill Stein Grn 71,558
Tony Valdivia W-I 428
Emidio Soltysik W-I 72
Laurence Kotlikoff W-I 1,037
Jonathan Lee W-I 67
Michael A. Maturen W-I 1,401
Monica Moorehead W-I 122
Scott Cubbler W-I 314
Evan McMullin W-I 42,366
Dale Steffes W-I 71
Cherunda Fox W-I 45
Darrell L. Castle W-I 4,261
Tom Hoefling W-I 932
Robert Morrow W-I 145
Donald J. Trump Rep 5,890,347
Joseph R. Biden Dem 5,259,126
Jo Jorgensen Lib 126,243
Howie Hawkins Grn 33,396
President R. Boddie W-I 2,012
Brian Carroll W-I 2,785
Todd Cella W-I 205
Jesse Cuellar W-I 49
Tom Hoefling W-I 337
Gloria La Riva W-I 350
Abram Loeb W-I 36
Robert Morrow W-I 56
Kasey Wells W-I 114


Am. Ind. = American Independent Party
Am. lst = America First Party
Amer = American Party
B & T Rep = Black and Tan Republican Party
Com = Communist Party
Con = Constitution Party
Con'l Union = Constitutional Union Party
Dem = Democratic Party
Grn = Green Party
Greenback L = Greenback Labor Party
Ind = Independent candidate
Indep = Independence Party
Lib = Libertarian Party
New All. = New Alliance Party
NLP = Natural Law Party
NUC = National Unity Campaign
People's = People's Party
Prog = Progressive Party
Prohi = Prohibition Party
Rep = Republican Party
S-O Dem = Straight-Out Democratic Party
Soc Work = Socialist Workers Party
Soc = Socialist Party
Soc. Labor = Socialist Labor Party
Social-D = Social-Democratic Party
St Rights = States' Rights Democratic Party
Tax = Taxpayers Party
W-I = Write-in candidate